Why cat-babies are called kittens and other stories Ma Kat and Pa Kat had a small argument at the dinner table. Pa Kat wanted a puppy since he was a kid but Ma Kat was adamant. “Puppies make a mess, we’ll need a bigger litter and besides, I just read in the Cat Health Zine that cats with puppies tend to die earlier due to reasons not yet know to catkind. We could get a cat if you want”. Ma Kat was always a ‘cat person’. Pa Kat agreed and they decided have some babies. Pa Kat called up Kit Cat, the cat delivery system to order babies. “No, I don’t want the free shipping by stork baby deliveries. Yes, we will pay extra for the OoPS express shipping”, he said. Which was a good thing too because Large Beak, the CEO of Stork Delivery Services had once said “We deliver everything, but cat liver is really delicious, so we just love delivering cats and people even pay us for delivering cats. This is stork heaven”.
The OoPS guy brought with him a boxful of small cats. Ma Kat was a bit angry but Pa Kat insisted that he couldn’t have possibly passed over the ‘Buy 1 ,get 26 free’ super saver deal. Ma Kat had decided the name of the first baby and they called her ‘Kita’. The naming of rest of the kittens fell over to Pa Kat. Well, we know now that Pa Kat wasn’t very imaginative because he named the second baby ‘KitB’, the third baby ‘KitC’ and so on. All their babies became famous and number 26, KatZ, even started the 'Katz's Deli & Bar' in
This, however is the story of two of these, babies fourteen and twenty seven. Baby fourteen, KitN, went on to become so pouplar in the cat world that cats all over the world started naming their babies after her. Even today cat babies are often called kitns. When Pa Kat had named the first twenty six babies, he realized that he had run out of letters and still had a baby to go. However neither Pa Kat nor Ma Kat had seen such a chivalrous and brave baby like number 27. In fact the King of England (who had nothing else to do since the Queen did all the ruling work) knighted the baby on hearing about this. And hence number 27 was called Sir Kit which he often misspelled as Serkit.
Kitn and Serkit were inseparable when they were born. In fact they were Siamese cats and the doctors operated on them to separate them. However, they still remained close friends and embarked on all their adventures together.
How Kitn and Serkit helped the human doctors
Doctors all over the world have always wanted to look inside the heads of their patients. This is not particularly tricky, but patients often ran away when the doctors tried to cut open their heads. Serkit realized that cats had X-ray vision and could look inside the heads of most humans and examine their brains. The only exceptions were politicians and
Thanks :)
Nuncle Vinit
that was so cute !
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